11 Ways Pluto in Aquarius Will Change Our World

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What Does It Mean When Pluto Is in Aquarius?

Pluto is in Aquarius! This planetary shift happens once in a lifetime. In fact, it’ll be 248 years before Pluto enters Aquarius again.

But what does it mean for us?

Well, no one knows exactly. The next 19 years could pan out in a variety of ways. But one thing’s for sure; Pluto will bring transformation on a grand scale. Life will look very different on the other side. For better or worse.

As this new chapter unfolds, power imbalances and inequality rise to the forefront.

At one end of the spectrum is an ever-increasing potential for collaboration. Where nations, communities, cultures, and religions unite to promote equality, freedom, and independence.

But there is equal potential for more detachment, separation, and disagreement.

Whichever way the pendulum swings, Pluto brings power struggles and uncovers hidden truths. In Aquarius, there will be breaking of rules and societal reforms.

And technological and scientific advances will speed up the swing in either direction.

How our world looks at the end of this transit is up to us.

Are we willing to awaken to difficult truths? To face the collective shadow? Can we act consciously when the going gets tough? If the human collective is to make it out of darkness, each one of us must first awaken to our dark side.

You can read more about the collective shadow in my blog called: What is the Shadow Self?

Here are 11 ways the Pluto in Aquarius transit could change our world forever:

Pluto in Aquarius will bring medical advances

1.      Pluto in Aquarius: Medical Advances

I read this article from the School of Evolutionary Astrology. And in it, the author suggests we’ll see an increase in Aquarian-related health issues. Diseases that affect the thyroid, metabolism, hormones, lungs, and our ability to reproduce.

Medical science and technology will also continue to undergo exponential growth. Already in development are exoskeletons for young children with severe neuromuscular disease. Replacement bones made by 3D printers, and digital avatars to track health status.

No doubt, Pluto in Aquarius will bring huge improvements to the healthcare sector.

But, like everything, technology has a dark side. Recently the Environmental Health Trust published an article compiling evidence. The consensus was that cell phone radiation is damaging to fertility. Radiation exposure and sterility are two Aquarian themes that may rear their heads.

Some will dive on board with medical advances, whereas others will take a different path. Opting only for holistic therapies, natural remedies, and ancient healing modalities.

Can future health systems embrace technology and holistic therapies alike?

2.      Pluto in Aquarius: Lifestyle Changes

 During Pluto in Capricorn, many people flocked to cities to be close to work. Communal living was a necessity in built-up urban areas.

 And with Pluto in Aquarius, the trend for communal living will likely continue. But with more people working from home, the focus will move away from office proximity. There’ll be a greater drive towards greener living.

As more green initiatives get underway, a new style of architecture will emerge, incorporating more rooftop gardens, and new energy to heat and light our homes, to cook our food, to keep us connected and entertained. We will see the Aquarius signature reflected through lifestyle changes, culture, art, literature, and music.

Rose Marcus, The School of Evolutionary Astrology

 Increased threats to survival on the planet will drive new solutions. The stage is already set for the development of new environmentally friendly technologies. Electric vehicles, hydrogen-powered planes, sand batteries, energy-storing bricks, and self-healing concrete. These are all in the pipeline to become part of our lives.

 Of course, technology can change our lives for the better. But complete reliance on it could be our downfall. Extreme weather conditions and grid failures will leave whole communities in vulnerable positions. So, in the coming years, we must become more self-sufficient. Community allotments, recycling and repair shops, and sharing resources may become more mainstream.

3.      Pluto in Aquarius: Work and Career

During the Pluto in Capricorn transit (2008-2023), large corporations gained power. CEOs had control over the predictability of their customer base and earnings.

But as we approach the end of this transit that is all set to change. In 2020, the pandemic changed our perceptions of work. Many awakened to the question of purpose and meaning. We no longer want to ‘work to live’, but rather ‘live to work’.

This is a time of significant change. 248 years ago, Pluto in Aquarius ushered in the industrial revolution. And this time around, we’re moving into the digital revolution.

Automation technologies are gradually replacing traditional jobs. It’s a scary prospect for many, but it brings an incredible opportunity. People can escape corporate tyranny and take back control of their precious time.

Forward thinkers will thrive, and entrepreneurship will become commonplace. Anybody with internet access can become their own boss. And traditional professions will be completely revolutionized in the digital age.

This’ll force us out of our comfort zones. To find our creative expression and carve a place for ourselves in the fabric of the collective.

4.      Pluto in Aquarius: The Schooling System

This change is close to my own heart. The current schooling system is outdated. Teaching and testing methods in schools create fixed mindsets. The belief that there is a right and a wrong answer. The one-size-fits-all model doesn’t produce entrepreneurs or creators.

If our children are to thrive in the future, they’ll need an open mindset. Skills relevant to the digital revolution.

Whether we like it or not, the work sphere is evolving. And the school system must evolve to prepare younger generations for this shift.

Homeschooling is growing in popularity. As more parents shift to working from home they’re taking back control of their children’s education.

In the US, the number of home-schooled children rose from 2.3 million in 2016 to 4.3 million in 2022. As a home-schooling mum in the UK, I see that trend mirrored across the pond.

Education can now be tailored to the individual with online courses and tutors. Social media facilitates children in meeting friends of different ages and backgrounds. Learning can take place in the real world rather than in institutions.

As parents take back control of their children’s education, will the schooling system keep up? I predict that the current school system will crumble during Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto after all brings death and destruction to make way for the new.

Pluto in Aquarius will bring equality and group consciousness

5.      Pluto in Aquarius: Equality and Group Consciousness

Pluto in Aquarius brings mass awareness to humanitarian affairs. Starvation, homelessness, and poverty are just some of the issues we’ll be confronting.

Can we win the fight against systemic racism? Will the transgender rights movement end discrimination against transgender individuals? More people will fight for their right to be equal. Pluto forces us all to face the truth that no one is better or less than anyone else.

As more people express themselves creatively, diversity will win over uniformity. Each person has the potential to awaken the consciousness of many others globally. Group consciousness will evolve and accelerate faster than ever before.

But not everyone will have a message of equality to share. And Pluto in Aquarius will bring out the darker side of group consciousness. Radicalism and fanaticism may lead to false awakenings. Where people shift from one fixed mindset to another.

For true awakening, we must each do the self-work required for self-actualization.

Large platform owners currently control creator visibility. They cancel people that speak out against certain narratives. And this gives them the power to manipulate group consciousness.

Power distribution will eventually become less concentrated. The people may reclaim their power by boycotting large platforms. Exercise their freedom of speech on smaller niche-specific platforms. But this could also lead to further polarization between certain groups.

We’ll grapple with these matters throughout the Pluto in Aquarius transit. Can we become conscious enough to find common ground despite differing viewpoints?

Pluto in Aquarius will bring weather extremes and natural disasters

6.      Pluto in Aquarius: Weather Extremes & Natural Disasters

Aquarius correlates to earthquakes and weather extremes. Pluto will bring these destructive sides out. So, we’ll likely experience more natural disasters and climate-change-related weather extremes.

Atmospheric conditions also fall under the jurisdiction of the air sign, Aquarius. Air contamination alongside weather extremes and overpopulation threaten our survival. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and our food supplies are at stake.

Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, will bring us face-to-face with these issues. We’ve abused our planet and must accept the consequences.

Worsening climate change will lead to the birth of greener companies and innovations. Many are already in the development stage. And Pluto in Aquarius will bring these technologies to fruition at a faster pace.

Companies are currently working to change the face of our food supply chains. The dairy industry produces 4% of the world’s carbon emissions. Will we be consuming lab-produced dairy products in the future?

What about the travel industry? One UK company is currently working on a hydrogen-powered plane. It’ll fly 279 passengers halfway around the world without stops. And zero carbon emissions!

Can Pluto in Aquarius bring us into harmony with our planet?

7.      Pluto in Aquarius: Politics

Distrust in governments and world leaders is at an all-time high. We’ve lost faith. Too much power lies in the hands of a select few. And the masses are left feeling powerless.

In a bid to maintain power, world leaders drag us into wars we don’t want to fight. And while most people remain asleep to the collective shadow, we’re easy to manipulate. To do the dirty work that keeps the very leaders we distrust in power.

Pluto in Aquarius will awaken more people. Provide opportunities to break free from oppression. In the past, Pluto in Aquarius moved power from Church to monarchy, to governments. Are we, the people, next in line?

We’ll likely see more protests and revolts against oppression in the coming years. During the last Pluto in Aquarius transit, we had the French and American revolutions.

Pluto will uncover corruption and dishonesty. And as a result, power structures will start to crumble. Power will shift in the direction of the people. From conservatism in Capricorn to liberalism in Aquarius.

Will new political parties emerge to empower the people? Old constructs will fall. But what they’re replaced with will depend on the level of collective consciousness.

Jessica Davidson’s blog gives a great perspective on the ‘power-with’ model. If enough people become self-aware, we can become the change we want to see in the world and politics.

Pluto in Aquarius will advance DNA and genetics

8.      Pluto in Aquarius: DNA & Genetics

The ethical debate on genetic manipulation will continue into Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto is associated with DNA and genetics. And Aquarius will speed up advancements in the field.

Developing branches of science include xenobiotics. Pig hearts have been transplanted into humans. DNA is already transferred between organisms by viruses. But the inter-transplantation of organs will surely speed up that process. Future humans will share more genes with other species than we do today.  

CRISPR technology involves genetic manipulation to cure certain diseases. And already there are numerous success stories. To date over 75 people have been cured of sickle cell disease.

Are humans moving toward their demise or to the transcendence of disease? Future generations will be the ones to celebrate or lambast the decisions we make today.

9.      Pluto in Aquarius: Mental Health

According to Rose Marcus, Pluto in Aquarius is a signature for the fractured mind.

Social media is one of the leading causes of mental health disorders in today’s world. Anxiety, depression, addiction, and insecurity are on the rise. And reliance on handheld devices is destroying our ability to focus for long periods.

Copious amounts of time are spent comparing oneself to virtual avatars. Camera filters produce picture-perfect images of influencers. There’s no wonder body dysmorphia is on the rise.

However, technology could also be a force for good in the mental health field. This article discusses the metaverse in mental health diagnosis and treatment. Difficult-to-replicate situations could be simulated in cyberspace. And there would be more access to mental health professionals, reducing waiting lists.

Pluto in Aquarius could lead us further into a mental health crisis. But technological advancements could also revolutionize the way we treat mental health conditions.

Pluto in in Aquarius will bring advances in space travel

10.  Pluto in Aquarius: Space Travel

Aquarius rules space travel, so it’s safe to say we’ll see rapid progression in this space (no pun intended).

Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, plans to complete a tourist mission around the moon in 2023. Followed closely by a NASA project, Artemis, that plans to land the first woman on the moon in 2024.

In June 2022, China’s new space station, Tiangong, became home to three astronauts. And NASA plans to replace the International Space Station this coming decade. More space stations mean more discoveries. Our awareness and knowledge about space will expand exponentially over the coming decades.

But Pluto governs power struggles. We could see power struggles intensify as nations compete for a place in space history. Or we could see a new type of space race between private companies.

In fact, the race between private companies has begun. Relativity Space and Impulse Space have recently teamed up to beat Elon Musk’s, SpaceX, to Mars. No doubt more space companies will join the competition.

11.  Pluto in Aquarius: Communication & Networking

When Pluto moves through Aquarius, the dark side of communication will rear its ugly head.

What does that mean?

Well, we’ll see ongoing power struggles around freedom of speech.

As Pluto prepares to enter Aquarius in 10 days (23rd March 2023), this very scenario is playing out in the UK. The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) has canceled former professional football player, Gary Lineker. Why? Because he wrote a Tweet criticizing the government’s treatment of migrants.

And it’s backfired on the BBC; the UK’s national broadcaster. Other sports commentators withdrew from their shows in support of Gary Lineker. Will the BBC continue to cancel people? Or, will they be forced to change the way they operate in the years to come?

Many similar scenarios will play out on a global scale during Pluto’s next chapter in Aquarius.

Digital avatars could become the conduits for communication in the future. No longer can we rely on facial expressions and body language to read people.

Underground criminals will operate in the digital world, unseen in the plutonic realms. Scammers will be rife. Technology and policing must adapt to protect us from fraud and robbery in the digital age. Right now, we rely on skilled members of the public to protect us and raise awareness of these criminals.

I recently fell victim to a scammer. And I felt helpless. These YouTube channels will show you scammer tactics: Scammer Payback, Kitboga, and ScammerRevolts. I hope you won’t fall prey to them too.

Is Pluto in Aquarius Good?

Forced into Evolution

Pluto plays an essential role in ensuring humanity’s evolution. And in Aquarius, it’ll bring our attention to the dark side of the archetype. To know ourselves, we must first understand what we’re not. And we learn this by coming face-to-face with the darkness.

Catastrophic events often occur to force mass awakenings and evolution. And that could come in the form of earthquakes and weather extremes. We’ll be pushed to the brink. There’ll be no choice but to take responsibility for the devastation we’ve caused to our environment.

This planet will evolve with or without humans. We’re not above natural law. And every one of us must raise our consciousness and change the narrative.

Pluto in Aquarius will bring opportunity for democracy and power back to the people

Democracy and Taking Our Power Back

Communication, innovation, travel, individuality, and democracy are themes that’ll dominate this 19-year transit.

Unfortunately, governments will adopt Aquarian themes to push their agendas.  There will be fearmongering, propaganda, and manipulation. And we’ll likely hand over even more of our power to these people.

But plutonic power struggles will eventually force us to take back our power.

That power is not what we think it is. Our current definitions of power are misleading. What we perceive as power today is false power. It can be taken away at any time. To maintain it requires the oppression of others through violence and manipulation.

Pluto in Aquarius brings great opportunity for democracy. For the people to own their sovereignty. But that can only happen if the people are operating from higher levels of consciousness.

We Dictate the Outcome

If you’re reading this blog, you already understand there’s more to life than what we see in the physical. Everything is interconnected. The energies of the cosmos are reflected in us. And those energies can lead us to a better world if we’re awake enough to use them in productive ways.

‘Is Pluto in Aquarius good?’ The answer to that question lies with us. Can enough of us become conscious and awaken the rest of humanity?

Because the changes our world needs will not come from the few currently in power. It’ll come from us, the people.

If we can use Pluto’s energy in Aquarius in this way, there’s a very good chance that Pluto in Aquarius will be good! It’ll be a time in history that future generations look back on. Where the world changed for the better.

Where do we start? We can only start with ourselves. With self-awareness and self-reflection. And with increased consciousness, we can help others awaken too.

We’re living in exciting times. Let’s do what we came here to do!

phoenix rising from the ashes

From the ashes, we all rise together!

Thank you for reading this far. If this blog resonates with you, you are my people. I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

What changes do you predict for the upcoming Pluto in Aquarius transit?


Do you feel called to break karmic cycles in this lifetime? Are you a cycle-breaker, a change-maker, or an alchemist?

We’re passionate about empowering awakened souls, like you, to embrace and interpret their cosmic blueprint. Let the planets guide you into conscious action – break free from old karma and pave a new path toward your soul’s evolution.

If you’d like to read more of my Pluto-related posts, click on the links below:

Where’s Pluto? Find Out with This Simple Pluto Transits Calendar

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Shadow Work Questions for Pluto in the 7th House People

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