Shadow Work Questions For Pluto in the 7th House People

Pluto Shadow Work - Plutonian Soul Evolution
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Is Pluto in the 7th house of your birth chart? If so, these shadow work questions are for you!

Not sure where Pluto is in your birth chart? No problem, I created step-by-step instructions to help you find out!

Shadow Work for Beginners

Have you ever set aside time to do shadow work? Pen is at the ready. A crisp white page invites you to bear your soul.

And your mind goes blank. Nothing but tumble weed…

This is how shadow work looked for me in the beginning. I so badly wanted to do the inner work. Issues arose all the time in daily life that I needed to face. But when I finally made time to tackle them, they faded into the ether.

Here’s the problem: you need a point of focus. Somewhere to start.

Life is too broad. Stabbing in the dark will just leave you frustrated.

This is why I came up with a new approach to shadow work, and it hasn’t failed me. Shadow work continues to be part of my daily practice. And I get the work done! No more staring into space.

Years of studying astrology has deepened my relationship with a wise old guide that never lies. My very own birth chart. It highlights all the areas in my life that need attention.

My soul came into this life with a map. And it’s leading me on a journey of inner work towards my soul’s evolution. I now have the focal point I need to do my shadow work.

And your birth chart can do the same for you!

Pluto and shadow work

Pluto and Shadow Work

In this article, I’m focusing specifically on Pluto’s house in your birth chart. And if Pluto’s in your 7th house, this will be a great shadow work exercise for your inner-work toolbox.

But, why Pluto? Pluto represents your soul.

In your birth chart, Pluto’s position shows you where you’ll learn your greatest lessons. Tough lessons.

You see, your soul is constantly evolving. And for the next step of evolution, you must move past current limitations. For you, these limitations are found in the 7th house of your birth chart.

From experience, refusal to cooperate with Pluto rarely goes well. For such a small planet, his energy packs a big punch. If you don’t already know, Pluto rules death and rebirth; destruction and regeneration. Cataclysmic events are his speciality, and they’re sure to force the necessary changes.

As a Plutonian person, Pluto is very dominant in my life. Let me tell you, I’ve been through a lifetime of death and rebirth cycles. And it’s so much easier to cooperate. To do the inner work and learn your soul lessons on your own accord.

My life has changed for the better since I made a commitment to a daily shadow work practice. One that allows me to work alongside Pluto, for my souls evolution.

I want to help you do the same!

Pluto in the 7th House: The Wound

Now we know that Pluto was in the 7th house of your birth chart when you were born. But what does that tell you?

Well, it suggests you’ve spent lifetimes learning what it means to be in relationship with a significant other.

Not just any relationship. These weren’t just casual flings. We’re talking deep, intimate relationships.

And in many of these relationships you experienced betrayal. The hurt left you with deep unconscious traumas. Your soul carries these scars from lifetime to lifetime until they’re healed.

And now it’s time. It’s part of your soul mission to heal those 7th house traumas. Your soul’s evolution is counting on it!

It’s probably safe to say, relationships haven’t been an easy ride for you so far. Am I right?

Often it starts with your parents’ relationship in childhood. And similar circumstances repeat in your own relationships as you get older.

Maybe you’re constantly attracting the wrong type. Narcissists. Wounded people who project their pain onto you. Jealous, possessive, suspicious or domineering partners.

Or, maybe you choose partners who are more submissive. Fear of betrayal leads you to seek partners you can control. But eventually, your controlling behaviour drives them away.

Either way, there are usually power struggles within your relationships.

How To Heal Pluto in the 7th House

You may not believe what I’m about to tell you. But please hear me out.

If you choose to do the inner work, relationships will become your soul’s greatest strength in this lifetime.

When you heal the betrayal, abandonment and broken trust you’ve experienced, your future relationships will be transformed.

Your perception of intimacy will be so much deeper because of the pain you’ve experienced.

You’ll attract other people who’ve done the ‘work.’ And you can come together as two whole beings. No more power struggles or co-dependency.

And the wisdom you’ve gained becomes your gift to the world!

Many people who heal Pluto in the 7th house become relationship counsellors or mediators. This could be on a professional or personal level. Helping to heal complex situations between couples.

So, how do you heal?

It’s a process that requires patience and commitment. You’ll need to work through all the hurts and resentments from past relationships.

The goal is to let go of the pain. All of it. You’ll never forget, nor should you. Because your experiences are what make you wise. But to truly ‘let go’ you’ll also need to forgive.

I did tell you it wasn’t going to be easy.

Shadow Work Exercise: A Simple Tool with Prompts and Questions

So, now you have a point of focus for your shadow work. With Pluto in your 7th house, you should prioritise inner work that involves healing relationships; past and present.

And the following shadow work exercise is a good place to start.

We’re going to use one of your past relationships as a conduit to access unconscious fears and repressed emotions.

I’ll walk you through step-by-step instructions below.

Shadow Work Questions: Step 1

First, you’ll need to find a quiet place where you won’t be distracted. Grab a pen and a couple of pieces of paper.

If you live with other people let them know you’re taking some time for yourself. And turn your phone on silent.

OK, are you ready to get started?

I’d like you to close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Think back to the worst relationship you’ve had in your life. This is the one we’ll tackle today.

Please use the following shadow work questions and prompts to write your account of the relationship:

Was it looks, personality, or both? Maybe you shared an interest in the same hobbies.

It’ll probably be difficult to understand what you saw in your ex-partner now. But there was something in the beginning that you found attractive and it’s important to acknowledge what that was.

Maybe it was the idea of being in a relationship that attracted you, rather than the partner per se.

Were you afraid of being alone? Looking for financial or emotional stability?

Why so much focus on this question?

An important part of your shadow work will involve identifying why you get into relationships in the first place.

Shadow Work Questions: Step 2

We’re going to look closer now at why things changed in your relationship. What went wrong?

It’s natural for you to want to put all the blame on your ex-partner. Especially if their actions caused you a lot of pain.

But shadow work involves facing our darker side.

Playing the innocent victim is a way of avoiding uncomfortable truths about ourselves. Although you may not have been the one that dealt the final blow to the relationship, there was a reason you ended up in that situation.

Do you find yourself going for a certain type of partner? What do you fear in relationships?

Fear of betrayal can cause you to avoid intimacy. You may project your fear onto your partner: jealousy, suspicion, manipulation. These defence mechanisms are destructive. They push people away. A relationship cannot thrive with these types of behaviours.

To really do the inner work, you need to really own your shadow! What is it in yourself that needs to change in relationships?

Shadow Work Questions: Step 3

Okay, we’ve brought the memory of the past relationship to your conscious mind. And you’ve identified some of your own characteristics that may be damaging in relationships.

Now we need to address the emotions that are attached to the memory. There are reasons why you hold onto them.

That is what we’ll dive into with the following shadow work prompts.

Often, we hold onto past pain far too long. We wait for resolutions or apologies that never come.

We carry the pain to remind us. As protection. But what exactly are we reminding ourselves of other than the hurt we felt. This doesn’t serve us.

Emotion should be used as a tool to help you learn soul lessons. Not as a weapon against yourself. When you hold onto negative emotions and avoid learning difficult lessons, you hurt yourself and all your future relationships.

Shadow Work Questions: Step 4

We’re going to finish this shadow work exercise by writing a letter.

This letter will be addressed to your ex-partner. You’re not going to send it (unless you really want to). But that’s not the purpose of this exercise.

Shadow work questions in the previous steps have helped you to uncover repressed memories and emotions.

Now we’ll start to heal this unresolved issue. Writing a letter will allow you to speak unspoken words. Let go of old emotions that no longer serve you. Accept the role that you may have played in the relationship ending.

I’ve written so many letters to myself and others in my shadow work practice. None of them ever leave my journal. But the relief I always feel afterwards is so freeing.

This is one of my favourite ways to let go of past hurts, and most importantly forgive.

And it doesn’t matter one bit that the other person never reads your letter. Because you’re doing this work for you. You forgive for you. So that you no longer must carry the burden of unresolved pain.

Every relationship, good and bad, plays the role of showing you what needs to change in you. It’s time to see the soul lessons in this painful past relationship.

Evolve past the limitations of the 7th house. And start to attract the intimate relationships you came here to experience.

It’s all waiting for you at the other end of your inner work journey.

Shadow Work Exercise: An Example Letter

Your letter can take any shape or size. It’s your letter! In case you’re struggling to get started, I’ve written an example letter below. Allow it to inspire you.

Example Letter

Dear xxx,

I’m writing to you because I have some things, I need to say to you. Things that I never felt able to say before.

First, I’d like to say sorry for the part I played in the break-up. I can see now that I pushed you away. Built defences to stop you getting too close. And it was because I was afraid you would hurt me. Betray me.

That’s exactly what you did in the end. You hurt me bad!

I felt like I’d never be able to get past the pain you caused me. I hated you! How dare you treat me like that and discard me like I never meant a thing to you!

Well, now it’s time for me to move on with my life. I’ve carried this anger for far too long. I’m letting it go.

I learnt some important lessons from our relationship. And I’m thankful for the part you played in that. Truly, thank you!

Here’s the main lesson I’m taking with me:

My own fear of betrayal will only lead me to more betrayal. I’ll be working on getting past this fear in future relationships.

Although you’ll never read this, I want you to know I’m sorry. I’m sorry for any pain I caused you. For shutting you out and withholding trust. I was jealous and suspicious. This must have been difficult for you.

I forgive you for betraying me. And I forgive myself for the part I played in it.

I wish you nothing but the best for your life.

Now, I’m committing to living my best life.

Victoria Jane x

Shadow Work Questions: Bringing Session To An End

When you’ve finished writing your letter hold your hand over your heart. Read the letter back to yourself and feel the emotions. Cry if you need to. It’s okay.

You don’t need to hold onto these emotions anymore. You’ve learnt the lessons they were here to teach. They no longer serve you. Let the energy move through you.

Before you end the session, try to visualize your letter floating further away with your ex-partner. Let them go. Set yourself free!

Congratulations – You’re on The Way to Becoming a Relationship Master

You’ve taken the first step to healing your 7th house limitations.

This is a journey that cannot be completed in a day. Pluto is in your 7th house, and relationships will be a focal point for inner work your whole life!

But with every step along the journey, you gain deeper insights into relationships. More so, than most people could hope for in this lifetime.

And as a result, you’ll begin to attract healthy and fulfilling relationships to yourself. You will learn to trust again.

With your newfound wisdom, you’ll have a powerful gift to offer the world. But this can only be unlocked when you’ve done the inner work yourself.

Should you choose to use it, your gift will allow you to help others navigate painful situations that arise in their relationships. You’ve walked lifetimes in their shoes and learnt the soul lessons.

The world could be a much better place if we all committed to our inner work.

Did you find this shadow work exercise helpful? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Keep up the important work, beautiful soul. You’re making things right for your relationships; past, present, and future.

When you rise from the ashes, we all rise together!


Do you feel called to break karmic cycles in this lifetime? Are you a cycle-breaker, a change-maker, or an alchemist?

We’re passionate about empowering awakened souls, like you, to embrace and interpret their cosmic blueprint. Let the planets guide you into conscious action – break free from old karma and pave a new path toward your soul’s evolution.

Disclaimer: The information shared in this post is not a substitute for professional help and advice.

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